Now, as I look back it seems we are ages apart
But when you go in depth you will feel the equal end is still very far
For people we have achieved a lot
From just a saree to wearing whatever we want
But trust me my friend its not what we had dreamt of
For people we have been given equal right to live our life away But I am shrill as soon as I have a point of view to say
For people we have multiple career options to choose from But It will be mannish If I do things beyond what's told for Now, as I look back it seems we are ages apart
But when you go in depth you will feel the equal end is still very far The misogyny still makes its path
The misconceptions are spread all in the dark
The patriarchy has no end until erased with our thought
Now, as I look back it seems we are ages apart
But the equal end is still very far……………………..
- Mansi Khare